intellectual property


intellectual property

omaisuus, tavarat, tietopääoma, immateriaalioikeudet.

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Englannin sanakirja

intellectual property (englanti > suomi)

  1. immateriaalioikeudet|p

intellectual property englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä Any product of someone's intellect that has commercial value: a piece of literature, a painting, an invention, a trademark a trade secret, etc. Works protected under intellectual property law, and accorded intellectual property rights such as copyrights and patents.

  2. (quote-magazine)

  3. puhekieltä Any individual work that is protected under intellectual property law.

  4. One area of current change concerns intellectual properties and intellectual property rights.

  5. "Intellectual Property Rights in Agriculture"
  6. For technology companies, a well-constructed system for managing intellectual properties is fundamental to being able to extract full value from the properties

  7. "Profiting from Intellectual Capital: Extracting Value from Innovation" By Patrick H. Sullivan
